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The map below provides site-specific forecasts from the CARICOOS Wave Model and from the NOAA WaveWatch III wave model. This data should be interpreted within the context of each location; for example, nearshore forecasts will already take into account wave refraction and shoaling, which will considerably change the wave direction and height when compared with offshore conditions.
CARICOOS Wave Model: Sea State Point Forecasts
The CARICOOS Nearshore Wave Model (Version 7.0 - last updated April 2016) is an operational wave forecast system based on the Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) spectral wave model. It is forced by NOAA WWIII spectral boundary conditions and by the CARICOOS WRF 2-KM resolution operational wind model. It is based on a 1 KM resolution parent grid with 12 nested grids at a spatial resolution between 240 meters and up to 10 meters in some locations. The model is run twice per day (00Z and 12Z cycles) at the CARICOOS High-Performance Computing facilities. Forecasts are provided for 120 hours on the parent grid and for 72 hours in the nested high-resolution grids. For technical questions related to the model please contact Dr. Miguel Canals (
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